Pure Nature Whole Food Supplement
Tufts University Study Finds…
Lack of fresh fruits and vegetable consumption
kills millions prematurely each year1
90% of Americans don’t eat the bare minimum
of 3 vegetables and 2 fruit servings per day, and it kills.2
Hi, my name is Dr. M Kara, MD.
After 30 years of practicing at Cleveland Clinic, I observed over and over that the majority of chronic illnesses that I treated come from unhealthy diets. My patients came to me with 10 - 12 medications. What we need isn’t more medications, but better nutrition. But it has become harder than ever to get all the right nutrients from food.
I will show you how to help protect yourself from the lack of fruits and vegetables so you can try to avoid becoming a statistic.
Could nutrient deficiencies be robbing you of your edge?
- Do you wonder what life would be like if you had more energy?
- Do you feel blah and don’t know why?
- Is your brain foggy and losing its sharpness?
- Are you observing more fine lines and wrinkles?
- Feeling under the weather more often than before?
All of these problems have one thing in common. They are signs that oxidative stress could be wreaking havoc in your body.
Oxidative Stress
Oxidative stress rusts cars or browns apples as it would on your body. It ages your cells and blood vessels. Also, it throws a wrench into your cell’s energy production powerhouse (mitochondria).
Over time, it can become full-blown diseases that make up the 16 million premature deaths each year.
All of these years, these lifestyle factors could increase your oxidative stress and deplete you of your nutrients.
Oxidative stress is a completely normal part of life. It’s a problem when your body lacks the antioxidants to counteract them.
Excess oxidative stress can make you sick and tired, and causes numerous health problems!
These health issues can be commonly caused by too much oxidative stress and nutrient deficiencies.
Poor exercise recovery
Exercise has been shown to increase a healthy amount of oxidative stress, which can increase your cells’ ability to fight off oxidative stress. However, if you already have high oxidative stress and poor mitochondria function, you may experience prolonged soreness and fatigue. As a result, you may not feel as motivated to get back to exercising, even though you feel like you should.
Burdened immune system
Excess oxidative stress has been shown to burden your immune system, so you may be more likely to get sick a lot, and take a long time to heal from infections and injuries.5
Your immune system cleans up the aftermath of damages caused by oxidative stress. So, lack of antioxidants can keep your immune system working overtime and have less resources to do its real job, which is to protect you.
And many more…
The Saddest and 100% Preventable Way to Lose Lifespan and Forgo a Full Life
Losing your edge and energy to enjoy life could be the first signs of oxidative stress and nutrient deficiencies.
Most people think it’s completely normal to be tired, foggy, and achy.
But, sadly, “normal” may seem like having a 90% chance of needing medications to stay alive by the age of 65!6
“Normal” can be seen as self-medicating with coffee and over-the-counter medications for decades until your body sustains enough damage to get diagnosed with full-blown diseases.
“Normal” may be misconstrued as not eating enough fruits and vegetables to literally save your life because life gets in the way and eating healthy is hard.
Fortunately, now that you’re reading this, you can have the opportunity to live an exceptional rather than a normal life. My mission is to help you learn how, and it goes beyond just eating more fruits and vegetables. Here’s why.
Even eating fruits and vegetables is not enough anymore…
Our soil is running out of nutrients, and so is your food.
For decades, industrial farming has aimed to maximize profit, which means maximizing crop yields per acre, at the expense of nutrition. After all, it’s all about the money, not vitamins.7
The supermarket produce comes from farms that use synthetic fertilizers and high-yield breeds. As a result, they’re plumb and higher in sugar, but low in minerals and antioxidants.
The US Department of Agriculture reports the nutrients in our garden crops have been declining between 1950 and 1999, and it’s only getting worse.7
Calcium, phosphorus, iron, trace minerals, magnesium, riboflavin, and vitamin C dropped by 6 - 38%!7
There is no such thing as “fresh” produce all year round.
1,500 miles is the average distance your produce travels to reach your local store from domestic farms.8
During the winter, spring, and fall, your grapes fly in from Chile, blueberries from Peru, and strawberries from Mexico.
Over the weeks, they were kept in synthetic gas refrigerators and chemically ripened just in time for you to eat. Then, they stay on the shelves on average 3 days before you pick them up.
This is not how your body desires the nutrients. Anyone who has eaten vine-ripen fruits and vegetables from the garden can generally taste the freshness and vitality you don’t get from store-bought produce.
The longer your produce goes between harvest and your plate, the more it could lose freshness and nutrients.
Despite having produce available conveniently in grocery stores, ONLY 1 in 10 adults are eating the bare minimum of 2 cups of fruits and 3 of vegetables each day, according to the CDC.2
Keeping up with eating enough fruits and vegetables every day could be a chore
Have you ever filled your fridge with a faithful week’s worth of produce only to throw most of them out at the end of the week?
Eating healthy involves never-ending planning, shopping, washing, chopping, and cooking.
Vegetable recipes can get boring and the salads can get old fast… and then there’s the picky eater in the house who won’t eat the vegetables.
It’s only easy to revert back to the old habits…
And your body may already showing signs of nutrient deficiencies.
As a functional medicine doctor, my job is to help you put your health trajectory in the top 10%.
I kept telling people to eat enough fruits and vegetables!
Yet, very few people have the discipline or access to eat farm-fresh organic and nutritious fruits and vegetables every day.
Therefore, I looked into encapsulated fruits and vegetables, including ones that I could source reliably & naturally.
What I found appalled me.
The Dirty Truth About Greens Supplements
After years of personally trying and researching the major greens supplements on the market, I learned a few inconvenient truths.
- The US supplement industry is a Wild West. Countless shoddy manufacturers are out there to make a quick buck, putting out poor quality ingredients or tainted products.
- Most greens supplements often taste disgusting, and it usually takes an awful lot of sweeteners, flavors, texturizers, and artificial ingredients to make them palatable.
- Many of them can contain food allergens or gut irritants that can cause severe reactions
- The capsulated ones may need handfuls of capsules to get enough doses, causing people to quit taking them altogether.
- Many companies have been found to add synthetic vitamins to greens supplements, which can throw off the natural nutritional balance.
It’s no wonder so many people react badly to these supplements or never get benefits from them.
It takes a lot of money, time, and resources to create great supplements that meet my standards, but it came to that.
After spending 30 years treating diseases of bad nutrition using food as first-line therapy, I formulated Pure Nature
An easy way to help get your daily serving of fresh fruits and vegetables
A blend of 20 natural greens, fruits, and vegetables designed to give you many key plant-based nutrients:
- Reliably sourced high-quality nutrients
- Doctor-formulated
- Produced after harvest to lock in nutrients and antioxidants
- Help support healthy immune function†
- Improve energy & metabolism†
- Help support cardiovascular wellness†
- Support healthy digestion†
- Promote healthy skin†
- Help with healthy weight management†
- Free of Genetically Modified Organisms
- No bad taste
- Soy-free & Gluten-free
- Vegan-friendly
- Formulated in the USA
Very often greens supplements that come in powder form have a bad taste and are hard to mix, which is why I chose to create Pure Nature in capsule form. Not to mention it's much easier to pop a few capsules daily vs. the time it takes to mix a powder into a drink.
Antioxidant Phytonutrients
Helps combat oxidative stress and cellular aging, while promoting healthy energy production.
Vitamins And Minerals
Improves your nutritional status with a naturally balanced blend of:
Natural Fruits And Vegetable Fibers
Here’s what getting your daily dose of whole fruits and vegetables can do†:
- Helps boosts energy, vitality, and stamina
- May counteract aging due to lack of antioxidants
- Promotes healthy nutrient levels
- Promotes a balanced stress response
- Supports healthy immune function
- Improves exercise recovery
- Supports cardiovascular health
- Supports digestive health
- Promotes healthy metabolism
Why is Pure Nature superior to synthetic vitamin supplements?
Your body's natural processes to assimilate nutrients from foods, not synthetic vitamins in isolation.
Unlike whole fruits and vegetables, greens supplements generally only list milligrams and micrograms of nutrients on their labels if they add synthetic nutrients, which defeat the purpose of whole food nutrition.
The vitamins and minerals in your food work together with their cofactors, such as the phytonutrients. The presence of these together can help improve absorption and function.
Taking isolated synthetic nutrients (even in a multivitamin) can become toxic and deplete other nutrients, even in a multivitamin form.
Science has just begun to uncover these surprising dangers of excess vitamins after decades of mass fortifications.
The results of these studies are medically accepted!
Example 1: High doses of synthetic folic acid may increase cancer risks
Six clinical trials with combined 38,233 subjects found that men who took high folic acid were 24% more likely to get to get prostate cancers than those who took placebos.9
Daily folic acid intake of over 400 mcg/day is associated with substantial increase in breast cancer risks.10
Example 2: Vitamin E supplementation increases prostate cancer risk
The clinical trial involved 35,000 middle-aged men who took 400 IU vitamin E or placebo daily for 5.5 years. The vitamin E group were 17% more likely to have prostate cancers than the placebo group.11
Example 3: Calcium supplementation alone increases risk of heart disease
15 clinical trials with combined 11,921 patients found that calcium supplements without cofactors (such as vitamin D) raised the risk of heart attacks by 27%!12
To be clear, vitamins and minerals are important for your health. It’s taking too much of them in isolation for a long time that may be dangerous.
It's somewhat well known that you won’t get the same health boosts from synthetic vitamins as you would from foods.
As a doctor, I have taken the oath to do no harm. This is why I only recommend whole foods supplements for long-term use.
Pure Nature vs Other Fruits & Vegetable Supplements on the Market
I’ve researched, tried, and spoken to the manufacturers of many of these whole-food supplements on the market. None of them met my standards when compared to Pure Nature.
Don’t take my words for it. Take theirs.
My #1 priority is to make products that empower you to improve your health at an accessible price.
So, I’m making Pure Nature available at the fraction of the cost of any competing products.
You can improve your health, energy, and vitality for as little $1.33/day!
Also, if you get in early, you can save 20% off (Only 200 bottles available at this price).
And, as I’ve said before,
there’s even a way for you to get 20% OFF today
Just sign up below to get started. Pure Nature is produced in small batches so we only have 200 bottles available at this price.
Many of my customers are seeing major improvements in their health and energy levels, which makes me incredibly happy.
Pure Nature is fulfilling its purpose of empowering people to improve their health and living their full lives.
Get Started
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