Fruit You Can Eat to Help You Lose Weight

Fruit You Can Eat to Help You Lose Weight

Most dieters think of losing weight as cutting out specific types of food and eating less in general. While this approach may work for some, there’s a food group which is often ignored in the world of dieting – fruit. Many types of fruit are helpful for weight loss and are generally healthy, as they’re naturally packed with vitamins and fiber.

Here are the top eleven types of fruit you should eat if you’re trying to lose weight:


Grapefruits are the most useful fruit for weight loss because they have a low-calorie count while providing 65% of your daily vitamin C. The redder varieties also possess 28% of the daily value of vitamin A. Additionally, grapefruit has a low glycemic index, meaning it releases sugar into the bloodstream slower than most other foods. A recent study showed that grapefruit consumption decreased body fat and blood pressure when compared to control groups (1). 


Apples possess very few calories but are packed with fiber; in fact, they have 5.4 grams of fiber per piece of fruit. In one study, three groups of women were given either three apples, three pears, or two oat cookies – an equal calorie count – per day for ten weeks (2). The group which was given apples lost two pounds while the pear group lost slightly higher than one. The oat cookie group’s weight showed no change during the experiment (2).


Berries are surprisingly nutrient-dense. Just one half-cup of blueberries possesses only forty-two calories while providing 12% of the daily value of vitamin C and manganese, as well as 18% of vitamin K value. A cup of strawberries possesses only fifty calories but has three grams of dietary fiber and 150% of the daily value for vitamin C. Strawberries also possess 30% of daily manganese. Berries have also been proven to be more filling than other fruits and can help reduce cholesterol levels and blood pressure. To top it off berries are high in Polyphenols which are potent antioxidants and great prebiotics (wholefood fiber).

Stone Fruits

Stone fruits are those fruits with a fleshy exterior and a stone or pit on the inside. Some stone fruits are peaches, nectarines, plums, cherries, and apricots. These fruits are low calorie but rich in nutrients such as vitamin C and vitamin A, perfect for those who want to lose weight. Peaches, for instance, have only fifty-eight calories and one cup of cherries will have only eighty-seven calories. These fruits will keep you more content for a longer period of time.

Passion Fruit

This fruit comes from South America, growing on a long, flowering vine. They have tough outer rinds which are purple or yellow but an edible, pulpy seed mass inside. One passion fruit will contain seventeen calories and they’re rich in fiber, vitamin C, vitamin A, iron, and potassium. Fiber is useful if you want to feel fuller longer and control your appetite.


While technically a vegetable, rhubarb is often treated as a fruit in Europe and North America. These stalks hold only eleven calories each while possessing one gram of fiber and almost 20% of daily vitamin K values. Rhubarb has also been shown to lower cholesterol and aid blood vessel function. There are many different uses for rhubarb. For weight loss, it’s smart to stick to low-sugar options like enjoying a stalk for breakfast.


Kiwis are small, hairy, and brown, with a green, seedy interior. Extremely nutritious, kiwis are great sources of vitamin C, vitamin E, folate, and fiber. In one study, forty-one people fed two kiwis per day for twelve weeks achieved higher levels of vitamin C, as well as a reduction in blood pressure (3). Kiwis are also nice for maintaining proper blood sugar levels, as they have a low Glycemic Index, releasing sugar slowly into the blood stream.


Many melons, such as cantaloupe, honeydew, watermelons, and casabas are low in calories but also high in water content, which can aid your weight loss. One cup of melon provides only an average of fifty calories while being full of nutrients such as vitamin C, beta-carotene, and lycopene. Though melons are generally a healthy option, watermelon does have a high glycemic index, so it’s important to keep track of portions.


Citrus fruits are famous for being high in vitamin C and fiber, and oranges are no exception. In addition to being nutritious, oranges are more filling than the average food; four times more filling than a croissant and twice as filling a muesli bar, to be exact. Some turn to juices for their daily fruit intake, but many studies have shown that eating whole fruits is far more filling and less caloric than drinking juice. When trying to lose weight, it’s best to stop drinking sugary drinks such as juice and soda and stick to whole, natural fruits.


Though bananas can be counterproductive to weight loss due to their high sugar and calorie count, they’re still packed with nutrients like potassium, magnesium, manganese, fiber, antioxidants, vitamin A, vitamin B6, and vitamin C. Indeed, though bananas might not be the best option for your weight loss plan, they’re still one of the most nutritious fruits available, which is no small feat.


Many think that avocados are vegetables, but they’re actually classified as fruits. They’re grown in warm climates found mostly in South America and are rich in vitamin K and folate. Although higher calorie than most fruits, they can still promote weight loss because their inherent heathy properties and natural oils.

Anybody looking to lose weight should consider adding a healthy portion of fruit to their diet. Many fruits are packed with nutrients, low on calories, and leave eaters feeling fuller for longer, which is great to control body fat.

References & Disclaimers




✝✝This noted statement is based on independent research and is not necessarily the opinion of the author

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